- Pakistan
- Gujar Khan
Islamic prayer times in Gujar Khan
Next prayer: Dhuhr in
Saturday, 14 December 2024
13 Jumada Al Akhirah 1446
- Fajr
- Dawn
- Shuruk
- Sunrise
- Dhuhr
- Midday
- Asr
- Afternoon
- Maghrib
- Sunset
- Isha
- Night
Muslim World League, Hanafi
Namaz timetable in Gujar Khan for December 2024
The exact times of the mandatory daily prayers for Gujar Khan is based on the Hanafi madhab (change).
Frequently Asked Questions
What is the best time to perform Tahajjud prayer in Gujar Khan?
The best time for performing Tahajjud prayer today is from to .
What time is the Witr prayer read?
After the Isha night prayer until Fajr in the morning. It is preferable to perform it in the last third of the night: - .
What are the times for Suhoor and Iftar in Gujar Khan?
During fasting, the beginning of Iftar coincides with the time of Maghrib, and Suhoor ends at the beginning of Fajr.
What is the Jummah prayer time in Gujar Khan?
The Jumu'ah prayer starts at the same time as the midday Dhuhr prayer.
Qibla direction for Gujar Khan
Determine the exact direction to the sacred Kaaba in Mecca (i.e., the Qibla) using the online map.
- Location
- Gujar Khan, Punjab, Pakistan
- Time Zone
- Asia/Karachi
- Latitude
- 33.25411000
- Longitude
- 73.30433000