- Canada
- Clarence-Rockland
Islamic prayer times in Clarence-Rockland
Next prayer: Dhuhr in
Tuesday, 05 November 2024
3 Jumada Al Awwal 1446
- Fajr
- Dawn
- Shuruk
- Sunrise
- Dhuhr
- Midday
- Asr
- Afternoon
- Maghrib
- Sunset
- Isha
- Night
Muslim World League, Hanafi
Namaz timetable in Clarence-Rockland for November 2024
The exact times of the mandatory daily prayers for Clarence-Rockland is based on the Hanafi madhab (change).
Frequently Asked Questions
What is the best time to perform Tahajjud prayer in Clarence-Rockland?
The best time for performing Tahajjud prayer today is from to .
What time is the Witr prayer read?
After the Isha night prayer until Fajr in the morning. It is preferable to perform it in the last third of the night: - .
What are the times for Suhoor and Iftar in Clarence-Rockland?
During fasting, the beginning of Iftar coincides with the time of Maghrib, and Suhoor ends at the beginning of Fajr.
What is the Jummah prayer time in Clarence-Rockland?
The Jumu'ah prayer starts at the same time as the midday Dhuhr prayer.
Qibla direction for Clarence-Rockland
Determine the exact direction to the sacred Kaaba in Mecca (i.e., the Qibla) using the online map.
- Location
- Clarence-Rockland, Ontario, Canada
- Time Zone
- America/Toronto
- Latitude
- 45.55010000
- Longitude
- -75.29101000