Islamic prayer times in New York City

Next prayer: Dhuhr in

Monday, 07 October 2024
4 Rabi Al Thani 1446

Muslim World League, Hanafi

Namaz timetable in New York City for October 2024

The exact times of the mandatory daily prayers for New York City is based on the Hanafi madhab (change).

am am pm pm pm pm
am am pm pm pm pm
am am pm pm pm pm
am am pm pm pm pm
am am pm pm pm pm
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am am pm pm pm pm
am am pm pm pm pm
am am pm pm pm pm
am am pm pm pm pm


Frequently Asked Questions

What is the best time to perform Tahajjud prayer in New York City?

The best time for performing Tahajjud prayer today is from am to am.

What time is the Witr prayer read?

After the Isha night prayer until Fajr in the morning. It is preferable to perform it in the last third of the night: am - am.

What are the times for Suhoor and Iftar in New York City?

During fasting, the beginning of Iftar coincides with the time of Maghrib, and Suhoor ends at the beginning of Fajr.

What is the Jummah prayer time in New York City?

The Jumu'ah prayer starts at the same time as the midday Dhuhr prayer.

Mosques and Islamic Centres in New York City

Masjid Manhattan
30 Cliff St., New York City, NY
Al-Safa Islamic Center
172 Allen St., New York City, NY
Masjidus Sabur
251 E. 119th St., New York City, NY
Masjid Al Farah
254 W. Broadway, New York City, NY

Qibla direction for New York City

Determine the exact direction to the sacred Kaaba in Mecca (i.e., the Qibla) using the online map.

New York City, New York, United States
Time Zone

Discover the Divine Rhythm of Life with Prayer Times Today in New York City

In the bustling metropolis of New York City (NYC), New York, the melodious call to prayer echoes, inviting the faithful to fulfill their spiritual duties. Today, the prayer times are as follows: Fajr at am, Dhuhur at pm, Asr at pm, Maghrib at pm, and Isha at pm. These precise timings offer a structure to the day, allowing Muslims to connect with Allah (SWT) and seek His blessings through punctual worship.

The practice of daily prayers (Salat) is a cornerstone of Islamic faith, a source of comfort and a means to resolve life’s challenges through divine guidance. As the city pulses with life, these moments of prayer provide a tranquil respite, a time for reflection and communion with the Creator.

Humble Muslim Man Is Praying In The Mosque

For those seeking to integrate prayer into their daily lives, the convenience of a printed Islamic Calendar for 2024 is available, along with a monthly Salah timetable. The schedule is meticulously updated to ensure authenticity and accuracy, particularly during the holy month of Ramadan in 2024.

Each prayer carries its own significance:

Prayer times may vary slightly due to seasonal changes and geographical location, but the essence remains constant – a call to reconnect with faith and community. In NYC, where diversity thrives and every culture has a voice, these prayer times are a testament to the enduring presence of Islamic tradition in the heart of an ever-evolving city.

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